Pre-Post 12

Today’s color is #B9B5D4 and it’s still a color

Three Questions:

Should I play with the definition of words more? Are the book title posts fun? When can I call something an idea for a book or a movie or a podcast and when is it just a title? How would I measure different levels of completeness for ideas?

How realistic does a game have to be for it to stop being fun? would a 100% realistic simulation of everyday life be fun? Is it the freedom to do what we want that we enjoy? What if it was a fantasy VR thing but you felt dirty and couldn’t bathe? Well maybe if you were french… What if you were a peasant? Does something not-being-truly-real enable us to enjoy it more?

Why would this be difficult? Is it the vagueness? It did take me more than half an hour to try the third question? Am I hesitant because I think my questions are stupid?

Four Creative* Lines:

I know I occasionally ask stupid questions. Well, ones based on incorrect information. And I’m okay with that. Well, no, I’m not okay with that, but I can’t seem to avoid it. I should spend more time seeking answers. But if I was invested enough in all the questions, I ask to try and discover the solutions I would die before I was halfway done.

Are there people in the world who are so interested in a subject they would spend their time discovering answers? Are there people who have the answers but are waiting for the question to be asked? And is there room in the world for someone who specializes in discovering and asking questions, questions whose answers are needed to advance technology, health, and politics further. (well, one of them, we try to solve problems not realizing others don’t want the solutions, can you make being green easy? Can you find a better form of packaging that ships better and creates less waste? can you make it cheaply enough? All these and more, so many people spent years of their lives finding a better way to do things only for their solution to be misapplied.)

Three creative lines are not enough. Four is a good number, but I have two, and that’s for you. What can I do to make more than two? I shall write freely, nothing else to do. My rhyming is has failed and what that entails is a line of thought cut short.

One line, two lines, and a frog, creative is not the same as random. As i must be creating or attempting to do so. Something new. Creative can be new. and throwing random things out there can be creative even if there isn’t a point to it. But it must be used to create or at least with the intent to do so. So I shall not repeat myself once more today and end with one thing. Imagine a picture of a frog that is also a chicken, I think it looks cute, hut to you it may be ugly.

Pre-Post 11

Today’s color is #AEBF31 and I hate it.

Three Questions:

How are animals immune to their own venom? How does animal venom hurt a person? (It depends on what animal.) Is there any animal venom which you can’t be immune to? Is there any animal venom the animal which produces it can’t be immune to?

From the words, mega, ultra, super, extreme, or other variant hits hardest? What’s the difference in connotation?

What’s the shortest questions I can ask? How many variants? How few? What?!

Four Creative* Lines:

I had a creative thought once, and I’ll have one again, but I don’t think that this is the result of a creative thought, and I’m not sure if I can call it creative effort. But effort there is and I’m trying to be creative so here.

Ideas are not the same as creative lines, even I don’t know what constitutes a creative line anymore. Am I referring to lines of thought? Well, I’m trying to find an equivalent.

One day
I will go and feel free and I’ll…
One day
there’ll be nothing that holds me…

One day
I will hold myself strong and let go
Cue music

It’s fun to create and make new, and it’s hard to sell and to make it good. And so I rarely try and when others lose interest in my project, I lose passion. It’s why I stopped trying to write music, I was trying to do something groundbreaking and the people who could apreciate it heard my attempts hundred of times and tired of the tune.
But does that make me a fake creative? If I’m only making something because I want it to be appreciated? Or does that just mean I don’t trust in the quaility of my own work?

It’s funny though recently I’ve been liking my pre-posts better than my main posts. Probably because I feel more free when writing them.

Pre-Post 10

Today’s color is #EA595E

Three Questions:

What is required to sustain a full-time job? Are there many young people who are going into it with bad habits? How many people live their lives in an unhealthy manner?

What’s the smallest scale questions I can ask? what dwells on a spec of dust, how much charge does a molecule have? Or is this the wrong approach? How much time do I sleep? I can find the answer to that and it is applicable to my everyday life, but there is something smaller, I just don’t think to ask it.

Why do we think of hell as the ultimate torture? Isn’t the Christian idea closer to purgatory, or did they really think everyone that wasn’t them would suffer for all eternity?

Four Creative* Lines:

A line that doesn’t go straight and doesn’t cross itself but create a shape that is reminiscent of a dragon but is made of the animals that the creator is most afraid of.

A line that goes straight at an angle crossing through the word creative.

A line that seems to pass through the real world and into what people think is heaven hell and every other alternate worlds people believe in.

A line drawn between planets in order to predict the future.

Pre-Post 9

Today’s color is #66DD66

Three Questions:

How would a perfect government work? how close can dystopia be to hell?

How would the torturer react if he could change how the pain was received, if he could control his target? Would it bother his professionalism? If anything is painful what is the point?

What do we fear more than pain, what doesn’t hurt when done but hurts to get close to?

Four Creative* Lines:

Why do I ask questions if I know the answer. I know what I think is right but want another answer to be true.

Why do I think myself capable of ultimate self awareness. I for if I don’t change despite all of it more won’t help.

Why is a theme so important? No really I don’t know? I have theories that I know are wrong but why do I believe them? Because I know no alternative knowledge and it hurts to be under the control of something I don’t understand, and can’t change.

When will I accomplish greatness. When I do the fucking work, sorry for my language. So why don’t I do the fucking work? not because of any self reflection based reasons, although those matter, but for simple physiological reasons and bad habits I refuse to change. Because I can change them, I can do some work so that I will do good work. And I will leave myself with no buts. And I will stop making the work, be [] work.

Pre-Post 8

I’m writing this late because WordPress won’t let me log in on the other computer. And it frustrates me.

Today’s color is #2448EA

Three Questions –

Why can’t I do the same formatting with my phone?

What was the most creative battle throughout history?

Why does watering the grass feel more satisfying than feeding the dog?

Four Creative* Lines –

People either are or aren’t, are you real? Well probably, if you ask yourself that than it is sure, but to the person asking there can be no proof.

Why is a question children ask, and as adults we are satisfied with because. The reason is believed unless it strictly contradicts what we strongly believe. But for some, it is never real because there can be no proof. At least not based on a false world.

It is hard to convince someone that they are wrong. And it is just as hard to convince someone of something they think to be wrong. There may be proof, but it is based on the words of lairs. And for those not real, there can be no proof.

But there can be proof that is actually not proof, and that which does not contradict becomes proof. After which there can be no other proof.

Pre-Post 7

Today’s color is #DAE2A7 not that nice a color in my personal opinion but who says I have to like them.

Three Questions: (I will continue changing my formatting until I find something I like.)

If you,(I) could have one currently existing object, but couldn’t sell it or exchange it in any way what would it be? Would you just something rare and expensive, or something useful?

What if it had to fit in a 2 Meters-cubed box? Or something smaller? Did you want a huge house, how would you afford the land? What comes included? Why do I have to questions this?

Does internet society glorify lazy geniuses? Do we just glorify intelligence? Is it similar to how nobles were treated, “I want a gentleman, one who doesn’t have to sully his hands with common labor.”?

Four Creative Lines:

Fast and healthy food does exist it just isn’t sold that much. If someone could sell healthy food, that is easy to eat and doesn’t require much preparation cheaply. Or somewhat cheaply than they could probably make a fortune.

How would you make aa simulated dream without drugs, can you use VR, and how customizable can you make it? Well, the idea is to find people who remember their dreams and vivid dreamers and see what makes a dream feel real.

I am going to learn how to think and do math in binary so that I can calculate things in my head faster than most other people. Not 95% of them not even 99%, no I will be in the top 100,000 human calculators in the world.

Pre-Post 6

Today’s color is #24E7AB.

Three Questions –
What’s the deal with twenty-sided dice? Is their really a five percent chance to fail at any task, was any research or thought put into that? Was it for the sake of humor?

What does creative burnout feel like? How is it different from writer’s block? With the amount of thought and effort put in in advance, how can one tell?

Why is water so important? How does our body process it? If one is dying of thirst how much time will it take for the body to process water being drunk? Do we process water at different speeds depending on our thirst?

Four Creative Lines –
Religions with a concept of Hell usually made it incredibly painful, but was it because they wished harm on their enemies, to encourage them to try and redeem their enemies from that great suffering by converting them, or to justify their actions? It definitively changed throughout history, but the concept has significant weight to it, what is the modern equivalent?

There seems to be a relationship between curiosity and creativity, is it the drive to ask questions or the desire to answer them. Do those types of creatives require answers and their creativity is a result of them trying to fix bad ones or is it some and when is it something else?

Was the previous thing just an excuse for putting questions in my four creative lines? And is this me being creative or just trying to be funny?

Well I finally recognized my problem here, I’m no longer writing this blog as creativity exercises, now I’m doing in order to create content. I shall see how to approach that eventually but for now I will avoid thinking about it.

Pre-Post 5

Today’s color is #E864A0

Three Silly Questions –
If I know I’m wrong does that make me right?
If you could make something hurt for half as long but you would remember it more would you? In what scenarios, when, and why?
Is the idea of purgatory meant to be comforting, you feel intense deserved pain, and then you are relieved of your guilt and allowed to go to paradise with the rest? Why did the Christians come up with it? And who were the first believer in such a concept?

Four Creative* Lines –
A door can have many features, from extra knobs to a fingerprint recorder.

Screams are great for drawing attention, even when people learn to dissociate your screaming from what screaming normally means. You will draw attention with your screams but eventually, the attention won’t lead to anything. While some things are hard to ignore sometimes we just have to work for it.

What is consciousness, ephemeral, and indistinct? What makes humans human? I believe that our consciousness, the thing that is us, that we see as ourselves, is in all actuality the decision-making mechanism of the body. Emotions are drivers, instincts are automatic reactions, and fear is a driver requiring speed over precision, but we can breathe and calm ourselves if the time is available. When hiding we decide when to go out, but the automatic systems sometimes act automatically, and we have control over them only in that we can train them in advance.

Pre-Post 4

It’s not that I woke up late, I just forgot to do this. And this is supposed to be a habit so yeah. But the good thing is I figured out what to do with my pre-posts so that’s good. It will be set up tomorrow. I also reformated my previous pre-posts so a few posts will be presented as if I posted them today.

Today’s color is #161646 and for a bonus color hell-grey #666666

Today’s three questions –
How would cursed numbers work?
How would history look if King Louis XVI took a more active role in the running of his kingdom, at least before the revolution? Would he have been able to change anything or would he just be swept along?
Why do we want to fit in when we don’t want to be judged the same as others?

Four Creative* Lines –
A pen with adjustable ink output, so if you press on the paper too hard it won’t leak through, and if you have a gentle touch you can still write clearly. (well, I had a lot of trouble with these today. So I gave up.)

Be like a cat and whine till you get what you want.

When a tree falls in the forest it leaves a trace sound and the air is moved but does the change in reality matter? If a thousand stars went supernova and we couldn’t tell is that a great change in the universe or is that just stuff happening? We are incredibly human-centric, but it is our right as humans to be so.

I assume I am wrong until proven right, but I believe I am right until proven wrong.

Pre-Post 3

So I’m fixing my sleep schedule and as such moving my pre-posts to be earlier in the day. I think I’ll settle on 10 so that I can pray, eat, and exercise a bit first, but I may settle on nine.
I think I’ll store my pre-posts on a second page instead of having them stuck onto the main post of the day. But I’ll set that up tomorrow because I’m trying to do something with it and I’m not sure how it will turn out.

Today’s color is #95DBB0

Three Questions –
Can we remember exact shades of color enough to recreate them? and does knowing the color name help?
Will the designator 95DBB0 help us remember the color, and can we learn to remake colors in our mind’s eye by internalizing the method by which the colors are generated?
Why do the color values on a computer only go up to 255 (FF in hexadecimal well I was wrong they go up to FF, not EE,) Or a better question why hexadecimal?

Four Creative Lines – (well, attempted creativity, I’ve been having difficulties with that part. It is hard to be creative quickly.)
Yesterday I lost my marbles I then found all but one.
The last one was in my pants, ah what puberty does to the young mind.
The young mind corrupted by other young minds, having friends whose opinions matter more to us than our parents. Because we know that our parents love us, but the others? that’s still in flux.

The wise man never says “the wise man” but not all wise quotes come from wise men.

It is easy to fix a paradox with additional information, we can always make an exception for ourselves.