And form a single angle,
To me it looked like an angel,
But in truth I spelt it wrong.
(I need to set myself more guidelines for these I’m taking it a little too easy.)
To be complex is not to have a complex, but that can certainly help.
(Now for realsies)
Much can be made from little, such can be done for free.
Time is the price we may pay time of which there is plenty.
Time is the cost we require, slightly less than the battle
And with that time I acquire they could’ve have done so much else.
Separate and above, at least how we see ourselves,
The world is ours as long as we don’t change it.
A word can have two opposites (or many more it’s true)
But I just chose one each today, as most people do.
And while there are many more words that I can now approach.
I have chosen to be done. (No matter the reproach.)