6 Attempts at Questions Where I’m actually Just Trying To Prove a Point

Well, I was being somewhat passive-aggressive for some of them, I’m not sure how much I was proving.
And today has no particular color, I’ve been more focused on music.

Why don’t people meditate for at least 10 minutes every day? If it has even a small portion of the reported benefits it’s worth far more time and investment. And 10 minutes a day for a month isn’t much? Actually it’s 5 approximately 5 hours. That can be a lot, but those ten minutes can be applied to many other things. Exercise for one, but exercise is difficult for other reasons. But meditation can be difficult as well. At least if you need it.

Why don’t people clean up after themselves? If everyone would do it the world would be a much better place.

Why are people who want to do good in the world discouraged from becoming firemen? (Wow there are a lot of assumptions in this one.)

What is the most noble profession? If self-sacrifice is noble why are there still noble people in the world? Why would one want to sacrifice oneself? Why wouldn’t one want to help?

Why don’t we clean up our personal spaces? Why do we not clean up public places? Why do so many people who do one not do the other?

When is “Nobody else is doing it” a valid excuse?

One comment

  1. So you want to change that question: “Why don’t people clean up after themselves?” because you get nothing out of that as stated. They don’t because they don’t. But what you might want to try is “How can I inspire those around me to clean up after themselves?”
    The most noble profession is the one that draws you from where you are, in the most efficient way, to the highest expression of you.

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