Pre-Post 134

Today’s color is #20b75f

Three Questions:

How can I prevent myself from being distracted? What do I need to practice to do so? Will turning off distractions help me be more creative? I don’t know, but it will probably give me room to realize (some of) my ideas.

What colors does duct come in? I’ve seen the air look orange from sandstorms and pollution, what other colors are most common around the world? (Well, less rare.) Can I use fungal spores to color the air in an enclosed environment? What about insects and pollen?

If we were to throw little clumps of graphite at each other at high speeds what would come out? Can we shave graphite by spinning it fast enough, and what materials can catch the broken-up particles without interacting with them in any other way? Do I have any clue what I’m talking about? (Well, I know a bit of physics and chemistry, but not enough by far.)

2 Words:

Focus, (but what else could I be doing?)

I decide things by committee, I have a feeling and the systems that make me up have an election. I have the veto power, but they often push things past when I’m not looking.

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